Monday, January 29, 2007

First Post

My first post for Japanese class! I went snowboarding yesterday and so am a little late in starting this post.

I have been enjoying my Japanese class , but I only wish I had more time to spend on studying for it... My other classes have been kind of rough on me so far this semester. Once I get more free time, though, I definitely plan on doing some more Japanese practice. The good thing is that I can take any little bit of free time to study Japanese, so I keep finding myself studying for Japanese in the 10 minutes between classes (or, admittedly, sometimes during certain boring sections of my other classes as well).

Speaking of studying, time to do some more Japanese studying. Numbers, I find, in particular, are hard because I keep thinking of them in English. Guess that means I need to practice more...

- George Liao


satoza said...

Numbers are very important! $10, $100, $1000 are different! We practice a lot in class, so do not worry!

Kimball said...

George, numbers are hard! I think the hardest part of a language (and I'm a mathematician!). After taking 4 years of French, I still couldn't say a telephone number without using my fingers.